Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Rained all around me

Post # 143   OK, I am starting to take this personally now.  Tonight it rained north of me and south of my city...but not at my house!  Other than that I don't have anything to share, well other than I watched the first little bit of David Letterman and I just have to say, that Ashton Kutcher, who is a year older than my oldest child, is just a cutie patootie! Oh, and while Taylor took a nap this morning I watched a little bit of Hoda and Kathie Lee where Kathie Lee told us she was born in 1953, she weighed 104 when she got married and now---OMG--which to me means oh my gosh---she weighs 124.  I was born in 1954, weighed 110 when I got married and I weigh, well, wayyy considerably more than that (OK, 193) and if I weighed 124 I would be ecstatic! I would be celebrating with Dr Pepper and a big bowl of ice cream! Wait, that is how I got to be 193 lbs. Oh great, now I have told you how much I weigh and I have no more secrets to share. 


Sparrow said...

LOL! I really got a good laugh out of this post. When rains come through here, they pour onto the nearby hills but if they notice us at all, it is only to spit on us as they pass overhead. We had that exact thing happen yesterday. Anyway, I hope you and your puppies get a good cooling downpour very soon! :)

Carol said...

I hope you get a good rain too, unless you are on the east coast then I just hope you are safe. My 9 yr old grandson had football practice today at 2 p.m. when it was a balmy 100 degrees. Is that crazy or what?!