Saturday, March 10, 2012

If You Build It They Will Come

Using books to build community     <--- Please click on this link for a lovely story.  I LOVE this idea!  I would build one in my yard if my 2 dogs and the neighbor's 5 dogs wouldn't bark like crazy.   I never buy books since I use the public library constantly but if I had a "little free library" a bag of paperback books to stock it would be  cheap when they have the Friends of the Library book sale.  My sister used to live in a little bitty town that did not have a library.  I can just imagine a little place like that having "little libraries" here and there up and down the streets.  What I would especially love is if neigborhoods had them with children's books.  I used to go out to schools to do library programs and I would always ask "who has a library card" or "how often do your parents take you to the library" and it was truly heartbreaking to see how few children get to have the library experience.


Anonymous said...

That is so cool Carol!

Tammy R

Carol said...

I thought so too ... especially for little towns or rural areas. I thought they were just cute too! Good to hear from you. Hope you are having a wonderful spring break. :)

Sparrow said...

Carol, this is such an awesome idea! I love this!

Carol said...

What a tribute to his Momma and what a guy to think of it and then actually do it. Look what one person can do!