Monday, August 8, 2011


Post # 129
Why do I have snowflakes on my blog?  Because it is something like day 38 of temperatures over 100 this summer, forecast for next week is 96 to 102, I am sick and tired of this heat, my garden and flowers have all been done in by the heat so the morning glory photo and header is going "back in the Disney vault" until I can actually grow some morning glories and I am moving on to winter whether that is what it is like outside or not.  I hate the color orange so picking out an autumn background doesn't work for me. I wanted to "pretty up" my blog but I didn't want flowers or school buses so I decided to just move right on to snow.  Now that I have explained that, doesn't it feel a bit cooler just looking at this blue background?  And did anyone make those chocolate muffins?  If so, were they awesome enough I should turn on my oven and heat up the house even more to make them?

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